
Rock On Nannies

Nannies Rock

Nannies Rock: Inspired today by the longevity of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones as  both release new music.

Celebrating 37 years in Business.

Celebrating 37 years in Business.

In that time we have taken a lot of phone calls, pager messages, ( remember pagers? ) texts and emails, and so many requests for help from busy families and families in crisis.

What is a Household Manager

A household manager is a professional who is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a household. They are typically hired by busy families who need help managing their homes and schedules.

It is important to note that they are not  cleaners and not professional organisers although the edges can blur into each other depending on the individual tasks required.

When it comes to childcare and HHM's sometimes we hear the words Household or Lifestyle Assistant or Nanager. We divided the job descriptiosn specifically so that Nanny/ Educators can always  perform their due diligence and duty of care when looking after children. Childcare in that instance is always the first priority and is not compatible with a full list of HHM tasks. 

Sydney Families NB; Available Very Experienced  New Born Care Specialist  Sydney -Southern Suburbs

Sydney Families NB; Available Very Experienced New Born Care Specialist Sydney -Southern Suburbs



  • Diploma
  • Newborn Care Training


Melbourne Nanny :We have a great nanny available ready right now in the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne

  • This Nanny has over 25 years’ experience with children and has a specialty in Newborn care, postnatal care, and Gentle Sleep Guidance

Has looked after Children from birth to 12 years

Holds a Certificate  3 in Childrens Services

nanny with two girls

Melbourne Nanny: Letting you know we have a great nanny available for Northside and Inner Melbourne ready right now

  • A newly recruited great  nanny is available Monday through Thursday (Currently in a position on Fridays that has continued in for 12 years)
What's in your Nanny Resource Box?

What's in your Nanny Resource Box?

With new years resolutions the topic of conversation in January, what better time to get your Resource Box organised or set up?

5 ways to calm your nerves before your job interview

5 ways to calm your nerves before your job interview

Preparing for your job interview can be as simple as having a good understanding of the family you are wanting to work for.

Woman looking at iphone in her hands

Is your Social Media Job-Ready?

This is even more important when working in Nannying and Household Management where trust, role modelling and confidentiality are of the utmost importance