Baby Organisers
Get your home baby ready!
Not sure where to start when getting a nursery ready for bub?
The temptation when having a new baby is to buy everything suggested on those 'must-have' lists you find on blogs and social media.
This can lead to the opposite problem - an overabundance of furniture, clothes, toys and books before your baby is even home!
If you need help co-ordinating and putting together a cosy, workable nursery, a PS Baby Organiser has the expertise to help.
What does a Baby Organiser actually do?
Our Baby Organisers can:
- Child proof and 'Green-ify' your nursery
- Clear out and de-clutter that spare room
- Plan a new nursery, designed to nourish sleep and stimulate play
- Advise on the absolute essentials
- Provide a planned checklist to help you transition from early pregnancy to the first few months after birth
- Help you understand the types of routines your child may need and help set these in place
- Help you babyproof the rest of your home, and
- Provide information about green cleaning too!
Our Baby Organiser service is backed by years of hands-on experience dealing with children from newborn to school age.
Let us help you get your ducks in a row before baby arrives!