Melbourne Nanny: Letting you know we have a great nanny available for Northside and Inner Melbourne ready right now

- A newly recruited great nanny is available Monday through Thursday ( Currently in a position on Fridays that has continued in for 12 years.)
- Formally 5 years plus experience as a Nanny but also has 27 years informally raising a child
- The Nanny has cared for newborns to 13 years formally and up to 4 children at a time
- A little about the nanny
"I have read and genuinely resonate with Brene Brown's wholehearted approach to raising kids to know they are both loved and loveable, to practice courage, honour vulnerability and show up and be seen. To find compassion by practicing it, to sit with kids and rather than try to fix the, teach them it is ok to feel as they go through their own experiences of grief and pain, to feel more joy by finding more things to be grateful for, to create a space where kids always know they are safely seen, heard and belong."
Hear some of what the Nanny’s checked references have to say:
“Yes, the family she will be be very lucky to have this Nanny, they really don't want to let the Nanny go so they still have the Nanny one day scheduled per week, because the Nanny is like family to them.”
“The Nanny is excellent at handling Newborns. Also very helpful, The Nanny taught parenting styles and sleeping routines. The Nanny knows the children individually, and is fond of doing crafts, and different activities, and the Nany is very cheerful and reliable.”
This Nanny has been recruited by Placement Solutions using our thorough screening methods developed over 35 years of expertise in the recruitment sector. The Nanny has been pre-screened, interviewed, reference checked and inducted into our Agency.
All Nannies are offered legal pay, support, and professional development through Placement Solutions. This Nanny of course has all her relevant certifications such as current first aid, WWC and national police check as well as undergoing In house Covid Training and Child Protection training.
If you are interested in talking about this Nanny,
and enter Nanny Northside in the subject line and nominate the best time for us to talk to you.