What it takes to become a Placement Solutions nanny

One of the questions we get most often is “What does it take to become a Placement Solutions nanny?”
Without putting too fine a point on it, we believe our nannies are some of the highest quality, most professional in-home carers you will find in Melbourne, Sydney and Tasmania.. However, that doesn’t happen by magic. It happens as a result of a lot of hard work on behalf of our recruiting team, and the fact that we set high standards on which we don’t compromise.
The result of this is not just that we are able to provide great nannies to our clients, but that we also provide a working environment in which our nannies are treated well, are paid above the award rate, receive ongoing training and know that they are employed legally.
So what does it take to join our team?
Well, to get the basics out of the way, you need to be based in Melbourne,Sydney or Tasmania and have at least three year’s experience in child care and/or nannying. In addition you should have some form of child care qualification, or be willing to pursue such a qualification. (To make this easier we can help you loacate an RTO offering a Diploma of Early Childhood Education.
Other attributes we are looking for largely fall under the heading of ‘professional attitude’.
We need our nannies to value ongoing professional development. Again, we make this easy by providing regular professional development days during the year – usually three or four – but of course there are numerous other ways to add to these through attendance at conferences and so on.
We need our nannies to recognise that it is no longer good enough (let alone legal) to be working cash-in-hand in this industry – and that there are benefits to being legally employed including proper protections (such as Workcover) and, through Placement Solutions, pay rates that are above the award rather than below it.
We also need our nannies to understand the benefits of working through an agency like Placement Solutions, rather than trying to operate as sole-traders or independent contractor. A reputable agency will look after you, removing the risk of exploitation and providing much more stability than you can on your own.
If all of that sounds like you, then we would like to talk to you.
There will be many agencies crying out for staff post pandemic and it is important that experienced, qualified and professional carers do not find themselves in situations where they are earning less than they deserve or otherwise not looked after properly.
To apply to Placement Solutions, visit www.placementsolutions.com.au/register-for-work, fill out the short online form and upload your resume. If you have the appropriate documents and references we will typically turn your application around with one business day and, if your background meets our needs, we will invite you in for a face-to-face interview.
We regard nannying as a serious profession. If you do too, we should talk.