Tips for Your Induction

So you’ve got your dream job and prior to starting you must complete an induction. It’s important at this time not to relax and think that what happens from here doesn’t matter. Just because you got through the phone interview, face to face interview and reference checking doesn’t mean that you can reduce your level of dedication. The induction is a time where potentially you are meeting other employees or Supervisors and Managers. Providing them with a good impression is just as important as leaving a good impression on the recruitment consultants or hiring Manager, as these are the people that you will have the most interaction with and in some cases the people that will recommend you for jobs, provide you with feedback or even do your performance review. Therefore, it’s always best to maintain the same professional approach that you had at interview stage right through your entire career and all job related interactions.
Generally prior to induction you are sent information, asked to complete documents or asked to bring information with you for the induction. Following those instructions is just as important as attending the induction. Therefore, based on this knowledge we have devised a list of tips you can follow to ensure that you not only have a successful induction but continue to leave a great impression on those around you.
- Arrive on time- If you have been designated a time for your induction, it’s very important that you arrive on time. Most inductions are held with several people and therefore if you are late you will be impacting on the others in the group and their time. If the induction has 90mins allocated to it and you are late, other inductees will not be happy and may remember you as the person that made them late for another appointment. Not a great impression, not a great start.
- Be prepared- read all of the information that is sent out to you, if it’s an email, contract, policies and procedures, whatever it may be, read it and complete the tasks being asked of you. Don’t leave it to the hour before you have to be at the induction or think that you can read it once you get there. This correspondence is sent out to you prior so that you can come to the induction prepared. It is not send for you to read it while you should be listening to other information or a presentation.
- Administration/completing all documentation. As mentioned you must read all of the information that is sent to you, but once you have read it, if it asks you to complete a task or complete documentation or provide documentation, do it. In most cases you are asked to complete standard employment information such as a tax declaration, superannuation form, basic personal details i.e. name, contact number, address, banking details etc. Other documentation could include a contract, policies and procedures, uniform size/colour or occupational health and safety policies. Whatever the information required, obviously only pertaining to employment you should provide this. It’s easy to underestimate the importance of this information but your employment may not be able to commence without it. Therefore, complete it and take it to induction if this is what you are asked to do.
- Listen and participate-There is generally a lot of information provided in an induction therefore it is critical that you listen. This information will guide you not only through your position but also the fundamental aspects of what you need to do in your job. It’s also important to participate for example answer questions that are asked and interact with the others in the group. This will not only assist with getting to know your colleagues, it will also show that you are listening.
- Take notes- you won’t be expected to remember all of the information that you are provided with however, if you’re provided with materials that you can write on, do take notes. Taking the opportunity to write notes will also assist you later when you need to refer back to the information.
As mentioned before, the first impression counts and how you appear, dress, interact will all impact on the impression that you give. Therefore, if you remember these basic tips, you will have a successful induction which is stress free, engaging, a good interaction with your colleagues, supervisors or managers and a great start into your new job.
The Recruitment Team