What most parents don’t know about having a Nanny/Educator !

1. Not all Nannies are created equal.
Don’t rush your decision, just because you need help NOW. Yes, it’s important to have First Aid, be loving and perhaps even hold a driver’s licence, but there is SO. MUCH. MORE that you need to consider when choosing a Nanny or household manager for your little ones. Training, experience, holding the relevant checks… the list goes on.
2. Mamma knows best? Sometimes – yes. Other times - professional Nanny agencies know best.
When selecting a Nanny, do you know which questions to ask a reference? How do you know that those references are genuine? Do you check to see that the Nanny’s documentation is legitimate and up to date? Sometimes, with very little parenting experience under your belt, it’s best to trust the professionals and go through an agency to recruit your ideal Nanny.
3. They aren’t there to replace you.
Yes, it’s sad when maternity leave comes to an end and you must go back to work – “so soon?!?!”. And yep, you’ll probably feel guilty and maybe a little confused. All totally normal. Having a Nanny can make the transition a lot easier than the alternative of dropping your little one at Long Day Care and walking away from their teary eyes. Having your child cared for in their own environment, developing a trusted relationship with their Nanny, and the unparalleled convenience of you returning home from work to find baby fed and bathed… These can all help settle your mind and ease your transition back into work.
4. Nannies are professionals and can coach you.
If you’ve hired a legit, professional Nanny, they can likely help you with all the ‘new parent’ challenges you’re facing – after all, this is their career! Many Nannies have been looking after children for YEARS and years, so use the expertise that’s at your disposal and learn from your Nanny. They are, in most cases, only too happy to pass on their knowledge to a new parent.
5. Nannies love to be included.
OK, so this is a somewhat grey area. Often, when families are celebrating things like children’s birthdays, they don’t invite the Nanny. Not to exclude them, but they assume that the Nanny would feel obligated to attend on what may be their day off. Heed our advice – JUST ASK!! Let your Nanny know it’s perfectly OK to say “no” and that you respect their personal time, but what you see as being considerate (by NOT inviting them), they may see as exclusionary. Let them make the choice. Remember, your Nanny plays a significant role in your child’s life – and should be invited to be part of the celebrations!