Looking for a Nanny /Educator? Eligible for In home Childcare?

Parents tell us every day that there are limited childcare places available and in some areas across Melbourne there are none. However, there are plenty of nannies available.
Getting the right nanny for you is our aim at Placement Solutions. We take the guesswork out of the process and provide peace of mind for you. We have 35 years experience as childcare recruitment agency operators and a proven recruitment and screening system in place to help you quickly.
Not convinced yet? Although we're not the cheapest childcare around, we do believe that we offer you the lowest total cost solution because we do our job.
Check our credentials by asking other agencies:
- How long have they been in business?
- What professional associations do they belong to?
- Do they offer government childcare subsidy and if so do they follow the National In-home Care Standards?
- Do they employ their nannies?
- How do they screen their nannies?
- How and where do they interview and train them?
- How do they induct them into the job?
If you don’t get answers that satisfy you then call us to arrange an interview to begin the process of finding fully screened, legally employed and supported nannies. We do the work so you get peace of mind.
Note: Many clients are eligible for in-home care government rebates. Check your eligibilty here.https://www.education.gov.au/child-care-package/child-care-subsidy/approved-care-types/home-care